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As Sanctity of Human Life Sunday (January 21st, 2024) approaches, we are reminded of our mutual mission to care for the afflicted, the weak, and the needy (Ps. 82:3-4). All people bear the image of God: the unborn baby and the pregnant mother alike. This is the basis on which the church honours the sanctity of human life. At London Pregnancy & Family Support Centre, we have the privilege of caring for precious human beings created in the image of God every day: unborn babies, their mothers, their fathers and their families. LPFSC aims to protect the rights of the afflicted and to rescue and advocate for the weak and needy (James 1:27). Our clients facing unexpected pregnancy often feel frightened and alone, and need support. Our mission at LPFSC is to receive these vulnerable human beings with the unconditional love of Christ and offer the necessary support.

Sanctity of Human Life Day has been observed for 40 years now. It is hard to believe that we are just over a year removed from the Dobbs’ decision and the overturning of Roe! In Canada, approximately 85,000 abortions occur each year. Often women choose abortion because they see it as the ONLY option to end the pain and fear of an unexpected pregnancy. We encourage and care for women in this difficult time so that they might confidently choose life, knowing that they have the necessary resources and supports in place for the journey ahead. Would you join us on Sunday, January 21st in advocating for the unborn and their mothers? Both need the support, and we are so grateful for your partnership in this most vital advocacy.

Here are some ways you can demonstrate support:

Pray for the safety and protection of women and children who are vulnerable to abortion, and of those who face risks during pregnancy and childbirth.

Learn and educate others about this nationally honoured day and what it stands for.

A love offering or a monthly commitment to support the programs and services of a local Pregnancy Centre.

We would appreciate participation across the city of London in prayer and recognition regarding this very important issue and ask you to please prayerfully consider how you might stand with us in support. Thank you so much!

With Hope Filled Thanks,

The LPFSC Team