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Canadian Christian Relief and Development Association (CCRDA)
announces new name and refreshed vision for more impact through collaboration

Global development today is more complex than ever and requires greater collaboration for increased impact. As a sector leader for nearly 40 years, Kentro Christian Network(formerly the Canadian Christian Relief and Development Association / CCRDA) is working to fill the gap by connecting international relief and development actors across Canada, the USA and Europe, coordinating responses to evolving humanitarian disasters, including with the current war in Ukraine.

The network connects more than 50 Canadian relief and development organizations whose combined efforts contribute more than $800 million annually to address poverty and injustice worldwide.

The Canadian Christian Relief and Development Association (CCRDA) announced their new name, Kentro Christian Network complete with a brand new digital platform for members and partners to connect. The digital platform serves as a hub of collaboration for organizations to connect, share learnings, establish best practices, and ultimately work together to create more measurable change.

Kentro (Greek for “centre”) acts as a hub of collaboration for relief and development organizations to connect, share learnings, establish best practices, and ultimately work together to create more measurable change. In addition to the organization’s new name, Kentro unveiled their new Member Connect portal, a user-friendly digital platform that offers a new way for Canadian individuals and organizations addressing poverty and injustice to connect and work together both domestically and globally.

“Kentro’s new Member Connect platform helps people and organizations connect in real-time and work together to respond with a coordinated effort to urgent situations like the unfolding humanitarian crisis in Ukraine,” says Laura Solberg, Executive Director at Kentro Christian Network (formerly CCRDA). “The platform acts as a digital hub for individuals and organizations to partner together, promoting excellence and accountability in the Canadian Christian relief and development sector, and creating greater impact as we move from disconnection to connection, acting in a united response, rather than as individual actors.”

Allison Alley, President and CEO of Compassion Canada, adds, “Kentro's more inclusive name, centralized hub, and new digital platform will help us work more effectively together across the international relief and development sector in Canada, ultimately empowering us to partner to affect positive change and reduce global poverty.”

Visit to learn more about how you can get connected and to assist with the Canadian response to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. Laura Solberg is available for interviews.